Validate Predicted Names


Review, merge, and edit Predicted and Validated names, view a list of documents, or export to Excel to work offline. Select names to exclude from the final produced log.

Review Predicted names


P Predicted A name PrivLog derived from an email address or author.
V Validated A name a user has reviewed and approved.

View Documents

  1. Expand a line item to view the associated email address. Then, click on the email address to view a list of documents.
  2. Click on the REVIEWID to open a document in Relativity.
  3. Review the document to verify the correct name, email address, or other qualifiers.

Validate names

  1. Click the checkbox to select one or more Predicted names.
  2. Click Validate Selected Names. This will display the first and last name on the Draft Log. The log displays the original email address for Predicted names and the displayed name for Validated names.

Edit and merge names

Edit names

  1. Click into a cell to edit text (First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Qualifier, Title, Company).

Merge emails

  1. Drag and drop to merge email addresses to a Validated name. Both names must be in expanded view to drag and drop.

Reset name to Predicted

  1. Click the minus icon to remove the email address from a Validated name and reset it as a Predicted Name.

Normalize offline

Export to Excel

  1. Export the list of names to an Excel spreadsheet to normalize offline. If you have applied filters, only the filtered results will export.
  2. Click Export to Excel.
  3. Manually update names, titles, or company information in the spreadsheet and save.


Do not edit the EmailID values, column headers, or column order.

Import names

  1. Click Import Excel for normalized names to upload the Excel file containing names normalized outside of PrivLog.
  2. Choose a file and click Start Upload.

  3. Imported values overwrite all fields with the same Email ID and marks them as Validated.

Exclude names

  1. Select one or more names to hide from the log and click Exclude. These may be non-substantive or consist of junk text.

  2. Click Yes to proceed.

  3. Excluded names move to a list under Predicted Names.

  4. Click the minus icon to return an excluded address to the Normalized Name list.

  5. Uncheck Hide Excluded to view exclusions.

Training Videos

Names Normalization

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